Meteorologicka stanice / Meteorological station
Line (326 m n.m./m asl)
(Davis Vantage Pro 2 | Davis Weather Link Live)
Webkamera / Webcam
Meteohodnoty / Meteovalues
V pripade nezobrazeni aktualnich hodnot v tabulkach doslo ke ztrate spojeni se stanici, zkuste to pozdeji nebo zde.
If actual data is missing, weatherstation is offline. Please, try again later or here.
Grafy meteostanice / Graphs of meteostation
Graf teplot a vlhkosti za poslednich 24 hodin / Graph of temperature and humidity in last 24 hours
Graf vetru za poslednich 24 hodin / Graph of wind in last 24 hours
Graf tlaku za poslednich 24 hodin / Graph of pressure in last 24 hours
Graf slunečního svitu/UV indexu za posledních 24 hodin / Graph of solar radiation/UV index in last 24 hours
Graf srazek za poslednich 24 hodin / Graph of rain in last 24 hours
Graf srazek za tento mesic / Graph of rain in this month
Graf srazek za tento rok / Graph of rain in this year
Generated by MeteoBridge, RPI3+, (C), Kontakt: dadi35(at)